Can't really call this a walking sim so..a swimming sim i guess? Anyway this is one of the better walking(swimming) sim games i've played. There's something so fascinating about exploring the ocean and it's depths and the short puzzle sections add that extra layer that most walking sims don't have.

If only the whole game were like this chapter. The boss fight at the end was super fun and challenging and while i didn't enjoy the base game as much, this was a very fun short little challenge.


Dusk is definetely one of the games ever made.

I absolutely love boomer-shooter games and this one has got to be one of my favourites. Everything in this game is super cool and well done and refined and put together with care and love and just amazing. Most of the levels have their unique asethetic (except for Episode 1 levels some of them blend together) and offer something new. You never get bored of Dusk. The enviroments are beautiful and the levels are never too maze-y where you get lost in them and have to backtrack a lot. The bosses are a 50/50. There are some good bosses some bad bosses and some amazing bosses (so more like 33/33/33 but that doesn't sound that good).

The achievments for this game are also really fun. The one for finding all the secrets and killing all enemies can seem frustrating at first but as i said earlier the levels are never too complicated to navigate so your chance of missing a secret or an enemy is very low. And the most important thing regardin achievments. While Dusk does have multiplayer (Duskworld) it does not have multiplayer achievments so thank you David for this blessing.

Dusk is a must-play for any FPS fan not just boomer-shooter fans.