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I have a weird relationship with this game. I bought the first when it came out on Wii U nearly 10 YEARS AGO, and since then I will say that yea, it has gotten kind of repetitive. However, the fact that a game like this has this much longevity is ASTOUNDING, and should not negatively impact how perfect of a Mario Kart game this is. I will say that I'm still unimpressed with the battle mode after revisions. I wish Nintendo allowed for more customizability with the battle mode, setting time limits, having tournaments, setting items, almost in the same way Smash Bros does it.

In terms of multiplayer 'fad' games, I think this has been by far my favorite. It does suffer from the traditional 'lack of content' issue that many highly repetitive multiplayer games of this nature go through, but even still I think this game is a solid time and the most I've laughed playing a game with friends in a while.

I will admit, I am a bit of an Odyssey hater. On paper, it really should be the greatest 3D Mario game of all time. It brought so much to the table, with incredible movement, and an exciting and captivating world. But my perspective and experience with this game comes from the 100% perspective. It is fair to say I played the game 'wrong', because I slowly advanced throughout the game trying my best to complete each world to completion before moving on to the next, but I'm a methodical player, and it's then fair to say that Odyssey is NOT for the methodical player. I'm sure this game excels in the handheld format, logging in and out whenever you please to do a few moons here and there, but for the player who likes to sit down and really 'beat' a game, this game is a CHORE. It felt like going to work whenever I sat down to play this game, and due to its repetitiveness, for so much of the game, it just wasn't fun. This is peculiar, because I loved BOTW so much, to the extent that I also 100% completed that game, but for the genre of a mario game, this just was not captivating enough to compel me to ever open the game up and try for 100% completion ever again. I won't deny it had it's moments, but maybe it is me just preferring linearly structured gameplay.