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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 15, 2022

Platforms Played


I went into this game expecting it to be absolute ass, but turns out, it was only moderately ass! Shame it's so buggy it's almost literally unplayable :,)

I'm not joking when I say that I had to conduct a six-step ritual in order to start this game up. You had to open origin, start game, end process, restart game, DO NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE TOUCH A BUTTON, sit through a 30 min loading screen and then- voila. And it's not much of a voila either, considering how pouring half-an-hour into getting past the start screen wasn't a guarantee the game wouldn't crash once running. Oh and if I left the game unattended for more then ~7 minutes it just... froze? Which is pretty bad, considering the game is not good enough to bother EXORCISING BACK TO LIFE.

In all seriousness, it really wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. It has a touch of the soullessness I find plagues many modern triple-A releases with far-too-large open worlds (DA:I, Fallout 5, etc etc.), but it's not incoherent or unenjoyable- it's just meh. Story is meh. Ryder is meh. Companions are meh. Mechanics are meh. I like the concept itself well enough- in the beginning I was even enjoying myself- but the further the game went the more I just wanted it to end and to punch the shit out of Ryder and that dumb AI and the companions whose personality can be boiled down into one singular character trait that they kept nagging to you about over and over (Vetra and her sister, that engine guy's desire to have a child, Cora and THE ASARI YES WE GET IT- and so on).

On the plus side, this game really turned me off gaming, which is perfect in time for summer!