played through the entire trilogy a few weeks ago and felt hollow for days after. wanted to write down my thoughts on it but it still felt too raw.

yesterday i was cramming for finals, listening to someone's playlist of video game soundtracks, when a song from this game came on- you know, the one that plays when you're viewing the galaxy map. i'm not being melodramatic when I tell you that my heart physically /ached/.

i don't think a proper review will be coming any time soon, this one will remain raw for quite some while <3

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local crimelord girlbosses gaslights gatekeeps a bit too close to the sun, ends up having her gays buried

more at 11

in the mood for some thalassophobia? do I have the DLC for you!

just like From Ashes, Leviathan should have been part of the base game but I suspect that might be preaching to the choir.

Back in high school, a classmate of mine wrote an essay about this game that affected me to the point were I literally can't stop thinking about it three-or-so years later.

This game is so brilliant- so beautiful, thought-provoking, funny, etc etc. - that the repetitive gameplay barely feels repetitive.

Glory to Arstotzka!!

So good I had to rate it separately from the base game! Amazing map designs, beautiful writing and flawless comedic timing- a perfect send off to the series and the characters. As mentioned by another reviewer, it's only downside is that it's available far too early on and struggles to really find a fitting place and pace in regards to the rest of the narrative- but otherwise flawless <3

Bad game! Unfortunately a favorite of mine

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"had to be me. someone else might have gotten it wrong."

i was inconsolable. still am!

this game was absolute dread. and by that i don't mean because of the mega-robo-aliens invading earth, but because i had to sit through it knowing that this was the last time i'd ever get to experience a mass effect trilogy game for the first time.

ME3 was brilliant. i laughed, i cried, and i enjoyed every second of it.

well, except the ending. I really hated that.

(and I can't wait to hate it just as much the next time <3)