Everything about this feels stiff - the writing (sometimes), the on-foot traversal, the driving, the combat, all of it. The combat lacks the impact and fluidity of the Arkham system, which was sitting right there in the same IP, ripe for the taking. The Batcycle travels at a light jog, which is somehow too much for the game to handle. There's room for progression to make a game like this interesting, given that you have 4 different characters to upgrade in parallel, but they managed to kill off any interesting decisions by using a live service-style progression model... without it being a live service?

What the fuck is going on with this game? Enemy levels, gear rarity, stats, upgrade materials, skins, it feels like a game where they added all this and either forgot to monetize it or decided not to in late development. I'm not really sure that even DC superfans would like this one, unless you're chomping at the bit to put Robin in a suit with more greebles on it, or play something that has literally any Red Hood in it.

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2022
