Why is the art of this game so fucking gorgeous and the rest so fucking bland and boring?

A treasure hunt on auto-pilot, an incredibly broken combat system and an obsession for the grotesque and shock value make for a pretty bad experience. The final chapter of the good ending would be a nice touch, if it didn't come from a story that thinks is really complex, when it's just a misery train where every one derives hate and torture from being miserable. Being the themes of the game such touchy subjects, they are not treated well. You don't get a free pass just for telling a "PTSD-trauma exploration"

Quite nice, short little shoot'em up. Kinda basic in every aspect, but the lateral attack gives for some nice encounters

It gets from "achievable" to "fuck you, memorize this shit" really quickly and in a not very enjoyable way

The aesthetic is "edgy anime cell-shading", and is soooooo boring

A truly great shmup. Quite forgiving to be honest, so it is easier to travers it's intricate and grandiose levels. Almost every weapon has a function (and there are 5!!), and adjusting the speed can be tricky at first, but once it settles it is a JOY to play

One of those shmups that screams "Give me your fucking coins or else". Cool art though

Evolution is pretty doable for anyone inexperienced with shootem ups (like me), so I would say it's a good starting point, but in the end it's not very interesting. The classic version is harder and equally as uninteresting

Very nice artwork, not gonna lie

Everything is so shallow, empty, bombastic and pretentious to a ridiculous extent. It stops being funny after 10 minutes, the "Simon Says" game-play parts are insulting. It appropriates and regurgitates concepts and ideas which clearly doesn't understand to a point I didn't think it was possible. The sex scenes are so embarrassing it's almost comical. The wet dream of a narcissistic 12 year old.

Cute visual style and production, but really bland for the most part. Hulk Davidson is my daddy though

Completely broken gameplay-wise. Not a very good decision to try and make an environment with physicality when your physics are utter shit.

It is sad that a game so focused on NATURE(tm) has only on verb: to slap every being in the dick with a fucking tree stick

Wow, so short and doable!

It may seem as too little and inconsequential, but it demonstrates some unique and amazing mechanics and visuals. The leveling system is really smart, pushing you to move near the bullets and fight near death all the time!

The colors and backgrounds in display are something else. So vibrant and delightful