Guild 01 2012

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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 6, 2024

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The Guild series of games are basically Level-5 taking a boutique assortment of game designers, and offering them the resources to make a small game for the 3DS to the efforts under one label in one compilation. While each game in the first wave definitely left me wanting more in various different ways, they all brought something unique and fresh to the table and make this compilation truly greater than the sum of its parts.

This compilation consists of four titles, each developed by different teams led by different esteemed creators. The four games are the insane sorting puzzle game that could only have been thought up by Yoot Saito Aero Porter, the tribute to tabletop roleplaying DM'd by Yasumi Matsuno Crimson Shroud, the adrenaline-pumping Suda51 action shooter Liberation Maiden, and the weapon store/blacksmithing management sim of Weapon Shop de Omasse, created by Yoshiyuki Hirai, a comedian and relative outsider to game development. Each game feels distinct and has their own personal touches to them, like Aero Porters characteristically blunt UI and design, Liberation Maidens bombastic stylish action, and Weapon Shop de Omasse/Crimson Shroud having writing that matches their director.

I wouldn't really say each game on their own is a particular must-play or a masterpiece, but given the context of their creation I can't help but appreciate them. I really wish it became a larger series than just having 2 waves of releases on 3DS before fizzling out, because games like this are certainly unique little passion projects that I feel the world could always use more of. While the compilation containing all 4 games on a cartridge was only released in Japan, every game in the series was somehow miraculously localized into English and given piecemeal releases on the (now-long-defunct) eShop. It's surprising that no company has tried to do this concept again on something like the switch, but something might tell me that just due to the nature of modern game development being as costly as it is even to polish small projects that maybe this series was something that could have only been done exactly in its time precisely on the 3DS. Regardless, I'm glad to have been able to play through these games as I'd been interested in them for years and would definitely suggest at least giving each title a try. Things like this don't get made very often.