it's a singleplayer mmo-like, and I enjoy it. it doesn't really blow my mind, but it kept me engaged through the classic "kill-loot-kill" loop.

dos 2 is an absolutely incredible game, and I hope that (c)rpgs in the future follow in its footsteps. the game's world is amazing, and deep, and you can discover new things on each playthrough due to differences in party, class, background, and so on.

one huge downside is that there ARE so many choices, and it is very tempting to restart the game and play as something else (which I've done three times now in the final act of the game. I've never finished it).

I disliked the partner system, although I did play in singleplayer. the game's world feels large and deep, but I found combat quite tedious, especially once you leave the main town and fight some zombies.

it's a fun game to play, and I'm excited to try the sequel eventually. I wish the game's story was a little expanded on, but the mystery of the castle is fun to speculate about. a little bit of a higher budget would definitely benefit the game, as a lot of enemies are just recolored versions of each other that have different attacks.

started it and found it really interesting, but I think I hit a save bug or fucked something up and never really restarted.

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much more enjoyable than the first game, which I do enjoy. it feels more alive, and more colorful, just like its setting, but the game loses a bit of the first's "weight" because it does feel like it moves much faster.

the ending is stressful, offering you several factions, none of which are that great, but some are better than others. only one of which is really prepared for what happens in the game's ending,

loved the unique aspects of the game, and I appreciate a fantasy setting based on the united states, even under several layers of fantasy jargon (what the hell is a palatinate?).

the game does move kind of slow, but it feels more like a relaxing, patient type game rather than a slog. I wish your character's background affected the main game more than stat boosts.