I think iceborne might be the perfect dlc
just... a real ending to a game that already has an ending. master rank monsters, a beautiful new map and hub, and a neat little story to go with it.

I got better at this game two years into my transition. coincidence?

I played this with a partner and it was so much fun. even singleplayer, it's so relaxing and you can sink SOOO much time into it. however, like skyrim, sometimes I kinda just ran out of steam to continue and put the game down.


it's fun but I don't have enough cocaine to properly enjoy it

game is fun but I wish every enemy didn't swing their sword like "ohhhh I'm gonna getcha! I'monna getcha! oooohhhhh here I come- just kidding! ooooooOOOOOOOOOOH

if you look like telma dm me immediately

hmm. might wanna look around some

matpat should've given this to henry kissinger

the potential in this game is so amazing, and it's expanded even more with dlc and mods. the idea of this colony building game being a story generator where you make up the story is so neat, and leads to so many scenarios where suddenly you give a shit about your pawns and their environment because you've made up stories about them and grown attached to them. there's plenty of humor in there as well, such as being ambushed by a pack of yorkies thirsting for your blood.
the music in this game is fucking incredible too, and fits the mood perfectly no matter what's happening. this game is genuinely outstanding.

the ant missed. you missed. the ant missed. you missed. the ant missed.

I love the game's setting, and I love crpgs, but holy fuck the medium in which it's told needs an upgrade. the system definitely shows its age, such as the obtuse way to heal your character (first aid or doctor?).

a remade fallout two, with modern crpg mechanics and several QoL changes, would be amazing. even if the myriad 80s references would totally go over everyone's heads.

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so proud of french anarchists going from beheading nobles to letting you play as a beheaded noble

it's minecraft
even vanilla it's an amazing game, although I find modded minecraft to be juuuust a bit more fun and varied