I've been playing this game on and off since 2008, and my account currently has 6000 hours logged, which is amateur compared to some players. This game has several flaws, with the first being the increase in microtransactions (MTX). The core appeal of RuneScape lies in the grind for XP and the sense of accomplishment that comes with earning skill capes. MTX undermines this by making progress dependent on who has more real-life money to spend. Although they have attempted to address this issue with the introduction of Ironman mode, the damage caused by MTX still lingers.

There’s no other game like RuneScape, I have tried so many others and none comes close to the experience. This game is grindy and does not respect your time. It will take a new player over 1000 hours to even get 99 in every stat (without MTX) and you’re just scraping the surface of the game at that point. This is what makes it fun and why players can’t seem to quit. They release content designed to give long term players FOMO.

This shit had me tearing up at the end of the last chapter. Characters are great and the game does great story telling for them. The side missions were fun although a lot of them were just fetch missions disguised as something else.
Online is ass though don’t bother with that.

Great game, played it a ton with my brother. Can still remember the haunted manor and the castle levels. Remaster when?

Basing this review solely on UT mode*

Not much has changed, same features as previous releases. The biggest addition has been EVO, this allows you to evolution a selected player. So far most are free and 1 being paid.
The gameplay feels a little slower with the changes of the engine. You now need a masters degree to defend in this game, your players will literally stand still and orbit an attacker and not attempt a single tackle.