Simple, very pleasant, satisfying, relaxing game.

Looks great, sounds great, plays great. Has rollback. All the new stages are cool and present interesting different scoring challenges. The new characters are generally fun to use even if a lot of their specials dont feel particularly strong. I don't think anyone thought this game was necessary when it was announced, but the additions, changes and new polish across the board more than justifies its existence. As with the re-releases of the first game, I just hope there are still people online to play in a year or two or more. Hopefully also being on gamepass as well will help with that.

Very conflicted, as one of my more anticipated games for a long time now.
Mechanically as a game, i think it pretty much delivers what i wanted and feels great. For the most part everything progress logically and make sense when they do. There are definitely frustrating times when you know what to do but either missed a step or dont know the correct order, but even then when i eventually got them right they felt sound and reasonable in retrospect. For a game with not that many actual variables, i think theres a nice variety of possible interactions and ways to do things leading to different behaviour, dialogue, and developments. Some of these are unintentionally hilarious, especially if you aren't taking it as seriously as it wants which is probably the best way to enjoy this game.
As a story, its hard to understate what a complete and utterly disappointing trainwreck it is. The setup (and tease for years) is incredibly compelling, and I did really enjoy the suspense playing through the first time before learning everything. Every twist and new story development gets progressively worse, leading to maybe the worst conclusion and final synopsis anyone could've imagined going into this game.

Probably the funniest game I've played this year. Qwop in space with all the goofiness of something like Mount Your Friends, but with actual objectives in an interesting setting where it makes sense. However you choose to play, it is intentionally frustrating to move anywhere while trying to complete a series of relatively mundane tasks. The presentation for each chapter is great, featuring a nicely drawn instruction manual like you're assembling ikea furniture.
I went my entire first playthrough using the newtonian controls, and after watching a few streams of different people using the normal, swimmy controls, I think both control modes are great for what they are (the assisted mode seems good too). Watching someone swim around and/or kick their feet around is always hilarious, and sometimes very necessary to not die or complete certain challenges.
On the other hand, I think the harder mode feels better if you can wrap your mind around to it. While it takes a lot more patience to get used to, it definitely feels more realistic, and the ways you have to use everything to get anywhere makes the simplest tasks an interesting challenge. Its more punishing for sure, but in many ways it was just as goofy if not more from the ways you can mess up. Every time i had to restart it was because of something incredibly dumb I did, including at one point literally getting stuck in the middle of a room.
Its certainly not for everyone, especially if you don't have the tolerance for the inherent frustrating nature of these types of games, or extra time it takes to do anything, but I had a great time with it. The music is nice, the many different sound effects are great, there are cool easter eggs in every level, and the overall story is lite but nicely done.