Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 29, 2023

First played

August 28, 2023

Platforms Played


wish i could give this a 3.75. its not quite a four for me, but also ranking it lower than that feels... not right? so i guess we round up.

this was enjoyable, and i would recommend it to people generally, but i cannot see myself coming back for the dlc or even for all of the extra content in this game, which really disappoints me. i like the story, and i like the general feel of combat but there are too many things that just made it difficult for me to personally enjoy.

i got motion sick from this, which is INSANE because i dont think any other game has ever done that to me? maybe once or twice with powerwash simulator, but after tweaking one setting it was fine. i could not do that with this game. i dont know what it was about the death animations/resetting of the room, but it made my head hurt so bad when playing. i didnt deal with this too much in the beginning, but as the game got more difficult (like the last 3 stages), i felt sick. the options given DO help, but i wish that the death reset operated the way the rest - r button does. its smooth and helped a lot, but obviously i cant react and expect to push that right before i die in every screen. i think without this issue, i might have enjoyed this game a lot more. there was some issues with input delay/buffering and some wonky ass hitboxes, but overall it was really fun. i dont think i've played something like this (though i know hotline miami is famous amongst k0 fans for a reason), so i was happy with my foray into the niche.

final note, the final boss of the campaign was fucking sick. ended too quickly for my tastes, but she was great. super fun to learn and very hard at first, but i learned quick!