22 Reviews liked by karliitos

i thought this would be fun for a stream.. but literally nothing happens. it's frustrating to get like 10 minutes in without a jumpscare- or anything to happen, just for my dog to bark or i laugh & i have to start over completely. i know the point is that you're being punished but the beginning area is so boring & nothing happens for ~10 minutes no matter where you walk.

the timer is bugged in some spots- it's supposed to be that if you're moving the timer ticks, but in some spots it just completely stops so instead of looking around you're like uhh.. i guess i'll just skip this area..? (light spoiler: there's a building but if you walk around in it, your timer doesn't move.. maybe a bug?) there's no goal other than to walk around & reach 18 minutes. it's still early access so maybe wait for a nice update!

The title ask: "Where's my Mickey?" and yet he's right there in the game, you don't even have to wonder where he is. Massive oversight on Disney's part.

Martha Is Dead is a really powerful experience that left a lasting impression on me. The story is the game’s strongest aspect, touching on themes of loss, war and personal identity in meaningful ways. This game features female body horror delivered in a no-nonsense manner, creepy dolls, and truly spectacular set-pieces that is a delight to horror fans like myself.

While the gameplay could have been improved and the horror elements could have been further emphasized, the game is still meaningful and thought-provoking gaming experience.

No clue why people hate this game, it's got so much style and plays great on PSP.

This game is absolutely fucked up. To quote Wendigoon, it is what boomers think GTA is. You are able to commit all of these atrocities, which is paired alongside some very edgy and dark humor that was even considered over the line back when it was released. And the twist? This is all the player's choice. You can complete this game without being violent at all, just do the chores on the list. But it really makes you wonder how in the context of the game how fucked up you are as the player.

5 stars just because this game is literally all my tastes fused into it. I love it, I had so much fun it's unreal.

first game to ever serve cunt. 'its cringe' thats literally the point you troglodyte