1 review liked by kasiski

Cocoon is a really good looking game and the soundtrack is fitting enough. That's about the extent of the nice things I can say about it.

First things first I'll get a very minor complaint out of the way. By default, the keyboard controls are bound to arrows, and after I went and remapped them to WASD as most people, I imagine, do, the pause menu still only responded to arrows. Mouse is not supported for the menu either. This isn't a big deal, of course, but it already set me on the wrong foot with the game.

Nominally this game is a puzzle game but, much like Limbo and Inside, the two previous games from this developer, the game doesn't offer any challenge in regards to solving any of the puzzles. I completed the whole game on auto pilot in about 3 hours, never having to stop and think about the solution, and, as I approached the end of the game, the logistics of actually executing the solution started taking long enough to be annoying: the movement speed is slow and to enter a world the action button needs to be held for a second or two.

I don't think there is much else to say about this game, really. It's a very short and pretty walking simulator that pretends to be a puzzle game. In my opinion, it's devoid of anything interesting gameplay or story wise and looking at pretty environments gets really old really fast, but if you're into that kind of thing, give it a go.

If you really like the concept of this game but want actual puzzles out of it, give Patrick's Parabox or Recursed a try instead.

1 list liked by kasiski