i played this game just so i could marry my sister. after mindlessly clicking around for a while, i ended up married to my cousin and imprisoned for like 10 years after foolishly declaring war with a pissant army. one twin daughter murdered the other for power and ruled for 10 years with many assassinations before throwing it all away on an ill-advised claim to a not-so-distant land. her son got things back on track though ruling for 44 years, siring a bastard child or two and getting it on with a 50-something year-old hottie. booyah. i'm sure there's a great strategy game in here but i wouldn't know.


david cage games turning into a train wreck is as inevitable as you disappointing your parents

i'm very grateful for this game because it taught my younger self very important lessons like how series loyalty is stupid and that putting yourself through bad games like this just because you like one aspect is a waste of time. the most important thing about a game is that it is FUN and pretty much everything here from the story, characters, and combat is NOT.

after the insufferable protag said some stupid garbage for the millionth time and encountering the fifth random encounter in three minutes i was sitting there and thinking "why the efffffffff am i still playing this when i would have more fun doing my homework"

thank you legendia