By far and aways FromSoft's best game. Dodges almost all the souls problems by remaking combat and making progression more linear. Sad to see the best of souls be cut - the cooperative elements - but the gains far outweigh the losses. The new combat system allows for harder bosses without movesets which feel unfair, unlike DS3 and Elden Ring.


Genuinely beautiful game, made me long for more games like this. The story is obvious and quite well trodden, but having everything in the world, all the side activities and little challenges tie into it made nothing feel like poorly spent time. The exploration is excellent - anything made off the bones of BOTW's system is - but I feel as if there could have been more extrinsic rewards for it. The vistas alone were often enough a reward for me. I wish that there could have been more recurring characters; I found Eliisabet when cleaning up activities, and I wish I could have found her while progressing throughout. Some of the areas were also quite barren, in terms of quests, vistas or anything gleamed from it really. The aerie was definitely my favourite.

On the performance, I couldn't give less of a shit about how poorly it runs, a common complaint you will see. It's not a game which suffers because of it, and it's pleasing to see them focus efforts on more important aspects of the game.

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Not as good as the original. Oftentimes conversations feel meaningless and short in a way they didn't in the first, music is definitley a downgrade and some of the environments were more striking first time around. Obviously better with a lot of the presentation, and most of this is subjective, but it butchered Georgiy and Isidor in my opinion - some of the changes in story where uneeded.
There is still a lot to love here in comparision to the original; deeper mechanically and with how you interact with the world, and, if you'll excuse how overdones this statement is, makes the people feel more living. In the original it can feel like you can see the seams in the world with how stiff characters talk. However, I don't know if this is really a positive or not.
The best part of this game, by far for me, was walking slowly back into town after the death of Aglaya. It sticks with me in a way no other single scene was able to.
Excited to see the bachelors route and hopefully the changelings eventually.