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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 20, 2021

First played

March 22, 2021

Library Ownership


Played on PS4
Playtime: 30 Hours
Play Status: Mastered(Maxed Battle Pass)
Completion Date: July 20th 2021
No Spoilers

More of the Same
Fall Guys Season 4, is more Fall Guys. And I think it's just that. We have 9 new rounds, some new important changes and lots of falling to do. So let's start by checking out the rounds.

The record has been broken and we have the biggest content update for Fall Guys, yet. But I have to say, not all of the 9 rounds are good this time. But as always, let's start with my favorite. The spiritual successor to Slime Climb. Another very hard round. It's The Slimescraper.

This is really like Slime Climb 2.0. It's hard, slime is rising, obstacles are deadly but other players are even deadlier. Not all of them, but the grabbers; oh the grabbers will try to get you. I had incredibly fun times with this round and it's definitely among Top 3 rounds for me.

Our classic obstacle course for the season is Skyline Stumble. The futuristic theme is really nice here and there are some very good, new obstacles. The end part can get a little frustrating though. But I think that is on purpose. Risky or safe? Which way will it be?

Roll On is the race version of Roll Out and it's a pretty fun and interesting spin on the race rounds. Speaking of races, Short Circuit is really a race round. There is a circular map and you need to make 2 laps around it. Another very good round.

But there are 2 team rounds that makes me go crazy. Basketfall is the Basketball version of Fall Guys. And I really, really don't like sports in Fall Guys. I don't like this at all. But compared to the next team round, this is like heaven.

Power Trip is just, terrible. There are these batteries and you need to pick them up and move through some tiles to claim them. You can only claim them if you hold a battery and the goal is to hold more than the other team.

But many people don't get it and it also limits your character a lot. It literally breaks the momentum of a fun, crazy Fall Guys show. This round is not good. But this is also like heaven compared to the abysmal new hunt round called Button Bashers.

Remaining players will be randomly divided so everyone will go up against just one person. It's 1v1 in a very small area. You need to press the buttons that will light up. Some players, are just professionals. You will beg to not come face to face with one of them.

Others are new players. And if you score very good very quickly, they will just stop. They won't move until the round ends or they will exit. So this round takes like 20 seconds. Either you or the other guy will just stop moving because one if you is much better than the other.

This is not fun, it's like torture. And I really hate this round. Finally, we have 2 new survival rounds. Big Shot is the simpler one, you stand on a see saw, slime is rising and some cannons are shooting objects at you that might knock you off.

Hoverboard Heroes however is the more complex one. You are on a hoverboard and it goes on a set path. Unfortunately for you, this set path has many obstacles. Both of the survival rounds are great and Hoverboard Heroes is one of my overall favorite rounds.

With this season, we have a new crown shard currency. You can collect 60 of these to form a full crown. And we have a 4 player matchmade mode, Squads Show. Similar to the squads shows in battle royale games.

Season 4 is good and it gets the job done. Introducing new levels, new cosmetics and new stuff to experience. But overall, I don't think the game is very healthy. Fall Guys needs some important changes and it needs those soon. This season is just more of the same.