felt a little short compared to the others but easily the most fun movement out of the pack, also fun how they managed to keep the same cast and locations fresh for the third time. stuff suffers from the spell balancing of the previous campaigns but to a lesser degree

goes crazy but miss the days when legendaries were hard to get

the existence of this was always baffling

always lacked some features compared to java but i can honestly appreciate it's simplicity

not as bad as twitter would like to suggest

played this for way longer than i should have

pretty fun for like 10 minutes

honestly not bad for an advergame

overshadowed by it's successor but still a great tower defense game

can't be bothered to get good at this but absolutely insane what some people have done with it

absolutely exhilarating for 8 year old me. the animated videos go hard

pocket edition for the poor

honestly enjoyed this on my replay than my first time playing. i'm mixed on the parallel/alternative storyline to shovel of hope, as at time it works and feels clever, and other times it feels quite clumsily put together with levels that were clearly not meant for your character.

however, the ability mixing is a very fun mechanic that i enjoyed a whole lot more now, you can just straight up cheese some boss fights with it, which is not a bad thing. as such, i think it brings thia at least on par with shovel of hope.