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2 days ago

keydemographics reviewed Mass Effect 3: Leviathan
Quite good. Obviously essential to the Mass Effect 3 experience and it's wild that this wasn't included in the original release.

The modular structure and galaxy-hopping format means it slots in seamlessly with the rest of Mass Effect 3, and the production values are worth it alone.

What you're pales in comparison to the presentation. For what's ultimately the most vital piece of storytelling in Mass Effect, you do spend a lot of time escorting macguffins and looking for different icons in the same lab.

2 days ago

keydemographics reviewed Mass Effect 3: Omega
Dark horse best Mass Effect DLC. Tells the contained story of a lightning war, with a genuinely interesting question at its core: are you going to dance with the one that brought you?

Omega and Aria are two of the most distinct elements of Mass Effect 2, the most reperesentative of that game's bolder, meaner presentation. The Omega DLC has some of the best rolling battles in Mass Effect 3, the most striking presentation, and a commitment to military sci-fi that weaves the personal and galactic-scales together effortlessly.

Players often evaluate narrative DLC modules based on what they add, rather than what they achieve as single piece of storytelling. Omega has everything that works about Mass Effect 3 contained within 90 minutes (if that) and it rocks.

2 days ago

2 days ago

keydemographics reviewed Mass Effect 3: Citadel
Too cutesy-poo. So deliberately sycophantic that the end result is treacly and annoying. Especially if you're playing the Legendary Edition, so much of Citadel boils down to quips about things that just happened, repeated back at the player ad nauseum.

I'm not a fan of Joss Whedon at the best of times and Citadel is biting his worst impulses, always undermining drama with self-conscious humour lest we ever take genre fiction seriously. In a series where one's culmative investment in the universe and characters is supposed to pay off in the final game, Citadel finds the fluffiest and least consequential ways to do so.

There's fan-service and there's Fan Service, and this is the kind for the folks with N7 hoodies. While I suppose those people deserve something that rewards their love for these characters, it slots in awkwardly with the rest of a tonally-consistent experience. Few things that are "for the fans" have much artistic value and Citadel is no exception.

2 days ago

2 days ago

keydemographics commented on stephenage's list Rough Top 10
nice list you've got there, shame if something were to happen to it

7 days ago

keydemographics published a list 10 faves

10 Games

7 days ago

7 days ago

keydemographics commented on Luckylynx's review of NieR: Automata
Hard agree. Nice that these ideas and themes have a functional game to call home, but that doesn't suddenly make their presence ground-breaking or their treatment uniquely interesting.

9 days ago

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