147 Reviews liked by kikib0uba

Is to skating games what Hunter x Hunter is to battle shonens

Nintendo knew they'd never be able to top this, so they killed the series entirely out of spite. One of the most brutally difficult, but intensely satisfying games you'll ever come across, and one that sits at the top of its genre.

Since F-Zero GX, Nintendo has made time to produce three mainline Pikmin games in-house, and zero non-GBA F-Zeros. Every mainline Pikmin game has sold worse than every mainline F-Zero game.

Now don't get me wrong, I like Pikmin. I like Pikmin a lot... but all of those games are highly similar, so the usual Nintendo reasoning that there needs to be some exciting new gameplay justification for a new entry rings pretty damned hollow here, when a Tetris/Mario/Whatever 99 style online multiplayer high speed high fidelity F-Zero seems like the biggest no-brainer technology-enabled gameplay reason for a new F-Zero game one could possibly imagine, but lets assume for a moment that current online infrastructure, even with rollback netcode, simply could not handle such a thing.

Listen. If the world can't handle the online yet, then just let Sega make an F-Zero Yakuza where Falcon pummels alien freaks and has drinks with Samurai Goroh. I don't even care if there's racing it. Please. Just please... somebody do something. PLEASE.

girl i love tekken this shit is so fucking awesome

I can't stress enough how satisfying everything feels to do and even though im salty as fuck that Lei Wulong didnt make it and probably wont even be DLC at this point, this is still a really cool starting roster i like literally all of the new characters

im kinda nice with victor but im not nice with azucena and reina yet i gotta L E A R N i gotta get BETTER

even though i already played 8's predecessors before i think this def sits in the upper echelon of the ones ive played on basis alone of how fresh this shit feels

I dont think i fw ALL the new music and I think some characters inclusion in the story is rly just bein there to be there but it can be so fucking funny
and that conclusion to it's storymode was some real ass shit idc

tekken ball wipes most other sports

uhhh i main lili so i cant complain that hard abt much anythin else with the roster

but this aint getting a perfect 5/5 because i think its fucking disgusting that lei is in the coffin, panda got a slot, and eddy is DLC instead of base roster

the world is ass-backwards, yet in spite of this, i cant say i dont love watchin it revolve
i love u tekken

Yet another SNES era platformer based on a cartoon that doesn’t do the original justice
Can’t believe they didn’t include Bluster Kong, the most important character

This is how I got through my parents divorce.

What am I doing with my life? All this time spent ironically praising shitty games including this one and now people are unironically gassing up generic survival crafting game number 74,963. That settles it, from now on the words “peak fiction” will never leave my mouth ever again!

I bought a pirate copy of this game from a bus driver in Dublin. True story.

Even to this day the combat system and twist on a tired turn based rpg concept is refreshing. The atmosphere of the world stays with me as bold and entrancing.

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When Raiden started cartwheeling naked I felt that fr

i haven't actually played this game

I like how they removed the “5” from the title to make it look as if it was a brand new game, but with no other Tekken games on PSP it does the trick.

Tekken (not5): Dark Resurrection is somewhat of an original demake of both the original release on PS2 and the updated version on PS3 featuring a story mode like the original but lacking extra game mode like Devil Within like the PS3 version, it’s a really weird release that just mash up a bunch of features into one big package that would try to act as its own thing.

It’s overall a pretty meaty package, online right out of the box unlike the PS2 version at all or how the PS3 version forced you to buy a DLC, the whole roaster of Dark Resurrection while still featuring a story mode, the whole extravaganza of side modes we are used to see and a brand new game mode that I am not all too familiar with but is the usual fighting for getting higher ranks to become number 1 and fight the final boss, it’s a nice addition to the single player content of the game which is already packed.

Overall a fine lookin, well playin, portable, meaty, game that had more work put into it than the PS3 version, while they might not share the same quality in gameplay it’s still pretty good for a PSP game in 2006. I honestly don’t really plan on going back to this game but I wouldn’t be surprised to see if anyone still cares about it, it’s nice.

In my opinion, this is contender for one of the best fighting games of all time. I am in love with it.

This happened to my buddy Eric

While opinions on what makes a great video game may vary, it's hard to deny the charm and addictiveness of Meme Run for Wii U. This quirky indie game combines the classic side-scrolling platformer with internet memes, creating a hilarious and engaging experience. The levels are creatively designed with a variety of challenges, and the game's use of popular memes as enemies and power-ups adds a unique touch of humor. The game's simple controls make it accessible to players of all skill levels, while its challenging difficulty level keeps players engaged and striving to improve. Meme Run's upbeat soundtrack and bright, colorful graphics further enhance the overall fun and playful atmosphere. Overall, Meme Run is a gem of a game that offers a fun and entertaining experience for gamers and meme lovers alike.