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Alright, let's talk about "Kung Fu Panda" for the PS2. Now, I used to be head over heels for this game when I was a kid. I mean, who didn't love the movie? But let me tell you, revisiting it last year was a wake-up call, to say the least.

Where do I even begin? The levels are about as generic as they come – same old platforming, same old enemies, same old, same old. And don't even get me started on the music – it's like they just slapped together a bunch of stock tracks and called it a day.

But the real kicker? The combat. Oh boy, where do I even start? It's like trying to fight underwater with your hands tied behind your back. The controls are clunky, the combos are repetitive, and don't even get me started on the hit detection – it's about as reliable as a broken compass.

In the end, "Kung Fu Panda" for the PS2 is like a sad panda – all hype and no substance. Sure, it might've been fun back in the day, but revisiting it now is like getting kicked in the face by a kung fu master. So, unless you're feeling particularly nostalgic for frustration and disappointment, I'd steer clear of this one.