Note: Have only played it singleplayer, but seems much more fun in a multiplayer scenario

(Kind of) A roguelite sequel to Alien Hominid. The levels have variety between them but feel a little stale at times. The roguelite elements are not strong enough to have me want to replay it multiple times however, and the bosses are not fun enough to push that either. Still, another decent entry by Behemoth though, but i'd pick it up on sale.

cool little time based movement shooter(ish)
very baseline but for 2$ you can't go wrong

This game is a masterpiece and one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Highly recommend playing it blind, and the only reason it is 4.5/5 stars is due to the early game feeling very slow until you unlock the bike.


1/2 of the way through. Game is very enjoyable and I see why it was a staple of Rockstar and an underrated gem, however, it feels a little repetitive in a way that gets on my nerves in specifically. It can most likely be enjoyed by someone with different tastes than me but for now it's best for me to take a bit.


A quarter of the way through this game is a complete breath of fresh air and reminds me that I am not playing videogames as an addiction but moreso because I enjoy it.

Game offers little handholding, but the handholding it does offer is through piecing together the 90s style game helper booklet that you can pick up pages of as you progress. Without following the booklet it's very easy to get lost.

Very much like Zelda 1 in terms of progression, where there is a way you should go but if you are a crazy little guy, you can really play it how you want to (although you may get lost).

Combat is a little difficult early on

4.5/5 stars if you are a fan of One Piece, 3.5/5 if not.
I found the game enjoyable, but if you do not like gameplay that is a bit repetitive you may not like it