everyone knows this game is great. I'm here to tell you WHY. the REASON, it came out great, not what makes it great.

Shinji Mikami is a game designer first, director second. RE1, REmake1, RE4, Vanquish and God Hand were conceived as things he'd seen or played that he HATED so much of how bad they were, he wanted to solve their issues with his own version of them in game form. He UNDERSTANDS games, he knows what makes games good and what makes them bad, and he is the KING of innovations because he has this eye for it.

the thing is, God Hand was one of the smallest, and more importantly, shortest, project he had done so far (with experience as a designer and director). It allowed him to not worry about expectations and just be creative and have fun. THIS is him being a director first and a game designer second.

and what's sad, is that he never got the chance to have that admosphere of development, that small scale project again, and fuck, HE WANTED to, he was PISSED how all his other pitches to smaller and simpler projects were rejected because people just wanted more RE1 and RE4 from him. a lot of his future and the things he did were because of his experience that he had in God Hand

the reason God Hand came out as a great game, is because mikami gave his all just once to want a chance to fully express himself.

but there is a good part of this story, and it is YOU can find more games like this RIGHT NOW!

THIS game is in the dictionary as THE synonym for weird, awkward and obtrusive. so take in Mikami's desire and EXPLORE WEIRD OBSCURE GAMES that you would never in A MILLION years expect to like, and don't just try them for an hour, give it them a real chance, because Mikami WANTED you to give him that chance before but unfortunately his art was too advanced for our time, but for other creators... the time is NOW!!!

Reviewed on Aug 05, 2023
