16 Reviews liked by krivanecekk

The greatest game ever made. You will be missed...

This game was the only gacha I’ve ever tried that just showered me with free shit all the time it was nuts. Gameplay was alright and the story i got through wasn’t much to write home about but it was a good time waster. Sucks that games can just be killed forever


Compilation of Final Fantasy VII and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Zeppeli: Hey Jojo guess what?
Jojo: What?
Zeppeli: 三角形を押して、ハモンダチを使用します.
Jojo: I see.

bro you can listen to Majima's version of Get to the Top while feeding chickens. Greatest game of all time

Legit cried when Itchyballs said "We are Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth"

Time played: 45 hours
Game percentage complete: 18%


Coming off of Yakuza 0, I was disappointed, but it's good

bruh they just fucking left the dog there wtf kiryu

Sweet little game with excellent atmosphere, touches on a lot of nice themes but stumbles a bit conveying them - too many ideas were presented without much support from the game and environments that led you to them. Enjoyed the journey though, I'll be checking out future releases from the dev.

Talking cat makes so many decisions... Even if a cat could talk, there's no way it's sentient. The cat should not make decisions