I started this game years before this on the Xbox One but it didn't make any sense to me so I just stopped because I wanted to play the other games first. It was a good decision. These games are a game/life changer for me. I can finally see what the big fuss is about. SNAAAAAKEEEE!!

I never liked JRPGS, but started to see what the big fuss is about when Sony gave away the FFVII remake. I don't regret playing this, it has a very good atmosphere, although I feel that the target audience is a few years younger than me.

Very nice art direction, very nice ideas. Not very well implemented for the Vita though. Didn't finish it, seemed too hard. Might pick it up later.

Fuck you and the "no autosave" horse you rode in on. I literally sunk 6 hours from my life in this piece of indie crap which doesn't make any autosaves but it crashes. Fuck. You.

Jesus, someone give this Kojima guy a movie budget already!!!!

If i were french I'd say "tres stupide". But i'm not, so I just say fuck these guys. This was the last Dark Pictures game that I "completed"...

It's not the best MG game out there, but it's surprisingly good. I played it 10 years after it came out.

My first REAL, big Vita game I played. It's not as good as the mainline PS3 Uncharted games, but it's an underrated gem. The touchpad controls are underwhelming, but the game itself could use a PS4/5 remaster, Sony's doing a lot of thos anyway...

I played it because it was the only somewhat interesting game for the newly bought PS5. It was cute as fuck though. Not a massive fan of the franchise, probably too old for it, but it was a nice demo of the PS5's capabilities.