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1 day

Last played

June 5, 2022

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i love diablo and arpgs, but when they announced a mobile game, i was not interested. i don't like phone games. i was gonna pass. then they said it was coming to pc, and i got interested again. but it's still a phone game, but on a big screen.

my biggest issue is honestly them advertising "controller support" when the game is completely unplayable on pad. using the menus is impossible. the joystick drifts and frequently goes in the complete wrong direction. there are also several menus that literally do not accept any form of pad input and have to be navigated with a mouse. nothing is controlled like you would think with a pad. they do not do any work to make it usable, just throw a cursor on screen and require you to press and hold a button while you mimic finger swiping with an analogue stick. absolutely miserable.

when it comes to gameplay, it's not diablo. it's lost ark. the exact issues i had with lost ark i have with this. it's a series of going from quest marker to quest marker with no combat in between. you never face more than 4-5 mobs at a time and you don't spam skills because cooldowns are all so high. this is verbatim the review i wrote for lost ark. you actually get to play the game in dungeons, and higher difficulties require multiplayer play. i don't play diablo in parties. i like playing solo. this game doesn't facilitate that.

the monetization is obviously gross and egregious but it's a mobile game designed to milk money from people with predatory timed offers. beat a dungeon? congrats, here's your reward: the ability to buy a chest. i bit and wound up buying the first of these chests they offered for 1 USD. the game crashed 4 times trying to spend money in it. i should have taken it as a sign.

the things i like about diablo 3 (pushing greater rifts) are present, and very similar, with one change. the resource you use to run these rifts? yeah you just buy them.

i honestly wasn't expecting much. i was at least expecting a diablo game. but i got a half baked mobile mmo. i bet it'll do gangbusters overseas. but it's not for me. i'll wait for 4.