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1 day

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June 23, 2023

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Yeah I kept telling myself I was going to go back to this but it has been months now so I'm just gonna talk about it. I'm not saying dumbass shit like "not my final fantasy" because I think that's ignorant. People saying that should go play literally any other of the plethora of turn based rpg's that are coming out. We're in another golden age for that genre if you go looking for it (but no, you just want to play the one series you already know and then call a genre dead.)

That being said, they really flubbed the execution on this one. I feel like I was swindled. They pushed that they were including all of these accessories to make it more accessible because it was going to be so challenging and action packed (at points saying that you can ridicule your favorite streamers for using them which is just baffling and honestly offensive to me that they would even joke about that under the guise that they're accessibility features) and then deliver a character action game with a super fun move set with nothing fun to use it on!! What the hell were they thinking! None of the combat encounters are even remotely challenging or interesting and honestly put me to sleep. No incentive for being stylish or keeping combos going or scoring high and no hard mode until you complete the whole ass game!! You might say "well they aren't making Devil May Cry, they're making Final Fantasy" then why the hell was one of their main selling points the fact that they hired Ryota Suzuki as a designer?

I don't have much to say on the story, it's pretty whatever, I'm not the biggest fan of Kazutoyo Maehiro and his stories or how he treats women. The whole debacle about them not including black people and then the game being about slavery is uhhhhhh not a good look (but what do I expect from the people who continue to make Y'shtola whiter with every expansion.)

But I wasn't looking forward to this game for the story! I was looking forward to a character action game! The game looks good, music is good, there's just generally a real quality to everything which is what makes this sting so hard. If they put out a patch where I can just switch to hard mode I'll give it another go to at least see it through to the end, but right now, I'd much rather spend my time with other things.