Everyone I knew was playing this, so many great memories I don't think anything will ever compare to pet society

A downgrade from its predecessor, lacking in lore but very versatile with customization

the sims 3 showtimes uglier younger sister

are restaurants meant to have this many bugs?

can't guarantee that it wont fat shame you, but I can guarantee you'll find 59 copies of this at your local second hand game store

nothing beat playing this during computer class and getting sniped 38 times in 5 minutes great memories

as someone who was a huge fan of the older Bratz console games and replays them constantly, I was psyched for this game, but honestly it just felt like I was playing a mobile game with a ps5 controller

honestly shocked that I managed to complete this with how ass the controls are, the soundtrack is a banger tho, could never unlock slate

This Game wasn't anything special but it was one of my favorites at the time and got me into many amazing SEGA titles, kind sad that it tos

One of the most fun and enjoyable rhythm games I've ever played, the music is some of the best I've heard too