Incredibly disappointing. Nothing about the core game has been improved, the building doesnt count, its a fun tacked on mechanic that has no integration with the core mechanics and gameplay experience. The story was told in the same broken way BOTW was. Also, the depths and sky were so devoid of interesting content and variety I wouldnt even consider it as an worthy update to the core map in any way. Just felt like I was trapesing around BOTW for 80+ hours again but with cars and a pointless fuse mechanic, which would be fine if I wanted to play BOTW again, but having already put 200+ into that game already, I really wanted more than a glorified overhaul expansion pack. I genuinely am baffled by the praise this game gets. Coming from an avid BOTW fan. I have a feeling in a few years we'll be seeing more people realising how shit this game is, and how as a cohesive package, its worse than BOTW.

Boring button mashing combat that requires very little thought, weirdly layed out world where the janky movement system makes it a chore to explore, areas that just aren't even interesting to explore in the first place. so repetitive, in both gameplay, atmosphere, and story. it is fun to mow down hords of orcs but that's about it. oh also the progression rpg elements felt forced and mishandled. not good!