man it is painful at times how obvious this game was rushed but when it's good, it's excellent. something keeps me coming back to filthy kirkwall and this ragtag crew. definitely one of the most memorable setting and cast of characters bioware has ever put out.

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2022


8 months ago

I loved a lot of aspects to this. The way it's being told through Varric's story rather than exactly what happened. I liked a lot of the cast and the idea of it based around the city but yeah it's last minute push out the door is sadly painfully obvious.

8 months ago

@FallenGrace DA2 was my introduction to the series and only my second "real" video game ever, so I am fond of it for nostalgia purposes. but I know as a fan I tend to rely on Varric's narration to excuse a lot of the jank (Varric doesn't want to describe each cave individually, Varric says "And then more enemies appeared!" so they jump down from rooftops, etc). when I squint I can see the mistakes as charming, but I regret we won't see what a fuller, more fleshed out DA2 could've been. still amazing they finished it at all considering their dev time.

8 months ago

Ha ha, I can totally see that. I did the same for different reasons as I was a huge Bioware fan back then so intentionally looked past the obvious warts. It's sad seeing what happened to them and a lot of the behind the scenes of Bioware pulling entire games together in a short time. It should have been more obvious from DAII and I hope they can rebuild themselves with Dragon Age Dreadwolf.

8 months ago

I dunno man I still cope pretty hard on this. It's like when I was playing Nier:Automata for the first time recently and I kept thinking "man these environments are so plain and un-detailed" but as I got further in I realized oh granular detail just isn't what this game is interested in; it's focused on Big Ideas and stuff. I feel the same way about DA2; all the stuff that it actually cares about is pretty well fleshed-out and super fun. The parts that are half-baked are on the periphery of the game's attention (even if it's stuff that was really strong in DA1).

8 months ago

@cowboyjosh they definitely prioritized the writing/story, which i'm glad for, and i personally don't care as much as others do about the reused environments/assets—when i first played it i didn't even realize that was a bad thing. i think some people criticize it to a ridiculous degree, but these days i see the holes-covered-with-toothpaste not as laziness and more as "oh, bioware was forced to make this game within eighteen months, no wonder they had to cut corners."