Not a fan and can't really recommend it. This is NOT a cute cyberpunk cat game 😒

I guess, I expected a nice 3D platformer in a sci-fi/cyberpunk setting with a cat. The cat is there, it is a 3D platformer, it is set in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi world, but the game is not "nice", for a couple of reasons.

First, I really didn't like the amorphous body-horror style mutant goo (the zurks). It's disgustingly graphic and unessential for the rest of the story. I believe that it's there only for the cheap thrills of chase and jump-scares. It's just my opinion, but I believe that if the game didn't have zurks and only dealt with abandoned cityscapes and good and bad robots/drones, it would be a better game.

Even setting zurks aside, while playing I constantly felt that the game has a lot of unrealized potential. There are two good areas: the slums and the midtown. There you can freely explore, enjoy the environment, interact with NPCs, and get some quests. The rest of the levels are completely linear, you run while being chased, or do some primitive platforming with a few optional collectibles. Platforming is not interesting because jumping is not free, you need to look at a place and when there is a marker, you can jump. There is some puzzle platforming, but it's very simple and feels more like a chore than a problem to solve.

I liked the world (except zurks), the potential in the characters and the story, but besides that I feel like I wasted my time on it. I wish it was either much shorter, or deeper: more explorable areas, optional quests changing the storyline, challenging puzzles and characters that you would care about.

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2023
