6 reviews liked by lavnderhaze

wlw mlm hostility was invented in 2011 with GLaDOS and Wheatley

This game was not for me, but I can still appreciate the world building, characters and the overall execution. Now, a letter to EA who single-handedly decided to murder Alice Asylum:

EA, I hate you. I don't know how you dare to call yourself an inpirating company while only being able to publish sims dlcs and identical NHL games. It's not okay to steal and hoard ideas of other people. Get bankrupted already.

eu salvei a chloe sim e fodaseeeeee

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Perhaps it's because my expectations were pretty average before playing this game, but I didn't expect it to hit this hard (in a good way, of course). Due to Cultic Games' previous game being a Lovecraftian RPG, I also expected this one to be somewhat similarly horror themed adventure from the perspective of a housecat, and it actually gives that impression at the beginning too. However, you soon understand that this is not a game about any supernatural horrors, but rather about issues that are very much grounded in reality such as family, relationships, hopes and inner conflicts. As one characters says so in the game, "It is not the things that are haunted, it's the people."

Gameplay-wise, it doesn't bring anything new, it mostly plays out as a point-and-click adventure game except there are some "bossfights", which is sometimes about solving a puzzle to reach the place you want to go, or quickly react to the obstacles on the road while running (the latter could be frustrating sometimes). Art is gorgeous, the soundtrack is also appropriate for the mood of the game. The real gem is, of course, the story, and if you are a cat lover like me, it will be even more impactful.

All in all, I really recommend this one for those looking for a rather short (it took 7.5 hours for me, but I stuck in several puzzles for a while) but of good quality, story-heavy game.

i got to be the cat therapist of a broken family by dropping things to the floor.
preeeeetty good