Got to HR7, made my endgame armor set, beat the final-not-final boss and done all the available apex rampages, which I guess is as far as you can take the game at the moment.

The “it’s Monster Hunter for people who don’t like Monster Hunter!” comments are fair, but is that necessarily a bad thing? It’s clear this is an accessible take on Monhun for one of the most accessible games consoles of all time. If you wanna wander around the frozen wastes with a hot drink for ten minutes to land a paintball on a Tigrex before it carts you in two swipes of its claw because your finger slipped on the PSP thumbnipple, the old games are still there to punish you. Rise has a firm focus on fun first, and I think that’s just fine. Brilliant, even.

Driving a 200mph dog into a Zinogre’s face in order to start a Devil May Cry Smokin’ Sick Style!!! combo feels antithetical to the methodical precision of Old Monster Hunter, but it also feels fucking phenomenal, so who cares? In every single quest I turn my charge blade into a roaring chainsaw that chews through helpless idiot monster tails and then zipline my way up into the sky to unload an axe full of dynamite into their pathetic little skulls. Then I go to the blacksmith in the beautiful Japanese mountain village and he turns their bones into a pair of jeans for me. It’s pure violence porn on the Nintendo Switch.

The “it’s the shortest Monster Hunter ever!” comments are fair, but is that necessarily a bad thing? It’s the shortest Monster Hunter ever because you aren’t stopping to catch your breath every time your wee man does more than a minute’s jogging. It’s the shortest Monster Hunter ever because the game doesn’t make you carry a single stupid egg unless you really, really want to. It’s the shortest Monster Hunter ever because you can skip any cutscene you want. It’s the shortest Monster Hunter ever because Capcom somehow turned the Switch into a Ferrari. It’s the shortest Monster Hunter ever because you have a dog that’s a motorbike and you can turn yourself into Spider-Man. Amazing.

I totally get the complaints about the weirdly stilted endings that both the single and multiplayer content have - I saw the credits on the first day this game came out, and was suitably bemused by the “uhh maybe play multiplayer?” advice from my hunting mentor in the final cutscene. It’s a bit of a raw deal - a situation I imagine may have came about as a result of Capcom having to shift their entire workforce to WFH over the last year - but I can forgive that. I don’t need Capcom to give me cutscenes or storylines or spoon content into my mouth. In Monster Hunter Rise, you make your own cool shit happen.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2021
