200-Hour Club

Sometimes I’ll be having yr typical nerd-out conversation and someone will casually drop that they’ve played a thousand hours of WoW, or Civ, or Overwatch, etc.

I always marvel at this because I’ve been playing games my entire life and have never gotten anywhere close to that kind of time commitment to a “forever game”. My all-time stats would max out with the ~250 hours I’ve put into The Long Dark over the years, and really there’s only a handful of games that I’ve even played for triple-digit hours.

I didn’t track this nearly as much when I was younger, but here’s a list of every game that I can recall playing for 200 hours plus.

still the GOAT of the survival genre
I was an Orisa main up until OW2, but I find tanking too high-pressure now so lately I just main Lucio in QP.
299 hours played.
Still feels like I’m about 700 hours away from the current story quests, which is why I eventually burnt-out on it.
almost 100% of these hours were in 2022-23, surprisingly. Zero Build solo is my jam.
Mostly with friends and a lot of mods. I've never once reached The End in vanilla.


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