Yo, do me a favor. Don’t play this.

("But Lizard!" you say. "It's the End! of the Ages!" No, bad. I would slap the box out of your hand if I could.)

Have you played Myst 4? Wonderful! You've already seen the end! Myst 4 is an under-appreciated gem, and would’ve been a satisfying end to the series, wrapping things up full-circle where it began: with the red book and the blue book, a resolution to the plight of Sirrus and Achenar.

Haven’t played the first four? Cool, go back and get on that. They’re great! Then, if you’re curious to see what Cyan did afterward, skip ahead 10 years to Obduction.

Despite the name, Myst V is much more an ending for Uru (Myst’s unloved MMO) than a follow-up to anything in the mainline Myst series. It was Cyan’s attempt to join a new era of solo adventure games done in polygonal 3D, but it’s just over-full of things that don't work: Poorly rendered new characters that nobody cares about, underbaked new puzzle mechanics, and a story too mired in the deep end of its own lore.

Like those Matrix sequels that never happened, let’s just write this one off as a collective hallucination, ok?

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2021
