Remedy got tired of waiting for Half-Life 3 and decided to make their own.

… and it’s pretty magnificent. Tension ratchets up as you wander through each cursed office space, and then gets invariably released in a huge, messy shoot-out where you use your mind powers to hurl the scenery at the monsters.

That’s it. That’s the whole game. There are some obvious things I could knock about it— like the copy-pastey encounters in the final hours or the way all the characters feel more like audio log dispensers than people— but that core experience of suspenseful setups and cathartic knockdowns never lost its grip on me over dozens of hours.

I was playing the Ultimate Edition, which adds a bunch of sidequests of the kill-six-wolves variety that felt very skippable. It also adds the multi-launch ability, though, which is simply some of the funnest shit you can do in a video game. Plus, the upgrade to ray tracing on a PS5 looks frankly astonishing. Recommended.

Reviewed on May 28, 2023
