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I think I've put about 30-something hours into this game so far, but then one day I suddenly just lost interest and stopped playing, I'm not really sure why.

So far, the combat is pretty fun, and the special abilities are really cool. The boss fights are great as well, really cinematic.

However, the story and characters are sooo lame. I imagine the characters were much better in the original and I will agree they are iconic, but they're not very well adapted in this game. It's really hard to get emotionally invested in anyone's story, for the most part I was just trudging through it.

I do like the environments and the art direction though, this is a highly imaginative world and it's really fun to look around at all the different environments. However, the actual task of exploring the world itself can get a bit stale.

Also, you'll probably hate me for this, but I don't always vibe with the soundtrack. I will say there are some absolute bangers in this game, but sometimes when I'm exploring or just walking around some songs get annoying.

I will say that I like this game's approach to its levels. It drops you into this big area with lots to do and then you can spend as much time as you want doing sidequests or other exploring before moving on with the main story. It does help get you immersed in your surroundings, but then again a lot of the sidequests are kind of forgettable, so this can feel like a slog at times.

I will come back to this game one day, especially because I hear Rebirth is really good so I want to eventually play that one as well. But from what I've played so far, I feel kind of "meh" about it, but I enjoyed it enough that I want to come back and finish it at some point.