Star Fox 2 2017

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Call me nuts for liking this game as much as I do, but I can't help, but think how ambitious and cool this title is mixed with a bunch of neat character and enemy designs along with some cool ascetics to boot. Star Fox 2 really saw the visual style and flow of the original Star Fox game and designed to match it with it's own unique twist and stakes.

Like if you look at the original Star Fox and look at 2, it's almost an inverted version of itself with having to defend a point rather than simply getting from start to finish. Due to RNG, player skill, and difficulty the layout of a playthrough will play out differently each time while it's a constant race with the clock to make sure you're not dilly dallying with each area you visit. As well, most playthroughs are roughly under an hour giving both a nice sense of pacing and urgency when going through each level or stage.

Where Star Fox 2 can fall apart for most is the all range dog fights that have a strong tendency to both get confusing and feel like they are purposefully wasting time. The sad truth is that their really isn't much a fix to it as the main problem is due to hardware, viewpoint, and the backgrounds they use for space. Thankfully, most fighters don't take that long to take down, and a lot of the chase missions with missiles are fairly easy on the eyes, but overall it's a pretty unavoidable fumble on the games part.

Thankfully, a lot of the main game's action is built around bases, and use of the arwing walker that feels rather easy to use and makes for an interesting combat vehicle. While I wouldn't say the bases have particularly interesting bosses, they are at least serviceable, and provide for a fine enough challenge. Although, when I think back on Star Fox 2's boss roster is fairly lackluster when compared to the originals stronger set up.

Still, I do think Star Fox 2 is a really neat fixture in both Nintendo's worst kept secret, and a dash of hope for an 8 year old me clinging for this game's release. It really did do a lot of interesting and neat concepts for the Star Fox series that honestly feels more impactful than anything Zero did as well as giving us the same kinda feel of the original SNES game. If you like Star Fox, I really don't see how you can go home not liking this one; just temper your expectations as it really is it's own flavor compared to our usual On-Rail Shooter.