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1 day

Last played

April 15, 2024

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Murder on Eridanos has a very intriguing mystery afoot. This type of game is perfect for a murder detective mystery as you can interact with the NPCs very thoroughly to question them and investigate their stories and motivations.

Unfortunately that's where the parises end, as the questline is basically go talk with this suspect and report back with an occasional side objective of looking for clues on the ground that amount to very little.

The new location looks cool but feels very hollow since there isn't much to do and theres very little environmental storytelling (wich is something the other expansion and base game do very well).

The new slug enemies are appreciated but behave like all other enemies in the base game so not a huge improvement, although the final boss is nice.

All in all, this expansion has a good start, a sluggish 😈 middle, and undercooked but exiting end.