5 minutes of šŸš¶ā€ā™€ļø

Murder on Eridanos has a very intriguing mystery afoot. This type of game is perfect for a murder detective mystery as you can interact with the NPCs very thoroughly to question them and investigate their stories and motivations.

Unfortunately that's where the parises end, as the questline is basically go talk with this suspect and report back with an occasional side objective of looking for clues on the ground that amount to very little.

The new location looks cool but feels very hollow since there isn't much to do and theres very little environmental storytelling (wich is something the other expansion and base game do very well).

The new slug enemies are appreciated but behave like all other enemies in the base game so not a huge improvement, although the final boss is nice.

All in all, this expansion has a good start, a sluggish šŸ˜ˆ middle, and undercooked but exiting end.

It doesn't add a game-changing experience to the game, but it's still a good expansion.
The new explorable Gorgon asteroid is a very creepy and cool location especially the manor which was awesome. The other areas added to the existing map were also quite nice. The story is a strong one with a tight resolution. Just wished there was more enemy variety added to make the gameplay feel different from the base game.

The game is a very competently put together Fallout style game but in space. With a well crafted world and an ok story, the thing is, it doesn't excel in any area, it's all just decent.

The higher frames and visual fidelity does make the game look prettier, but unfortunately the new lighting system makes it look like ass at various points, especially the characters faces, which sucks.

This new edition could have been an upgrade from the regular game since it has 2 decent expansions added to the base game, but the lighting issue puts a big but in the equation.

It feels a bit archaic and generic at times, but its a good game with some iconic features like the pawn system or the monster climbing, cool stuff

Finished Dark Souls Remastered like a month ago, I even platinumed it.
In all my 50hs of the game I never came across any info on the dlc area.
There wasn't even trophies for it so I completly frogot it even had dlc.
But now after randomly watching a stream yesterday I remember it indeed had dlc. So I looked at a guide for how to enter it (imposible to know otherwise) and finally played it.
It took me less than 3 hours to fully complete it, so kind of dissaponitng.
There are some cool lore bits of information and the bosses are decent, but the areas are just reused areas from the main game and the finale after beating the final boss is a nothing burger.

Good game, butĀ it feels kind of bland and genericĀ compared to theĀ absoluteĀ masterpieces thatĀ areĀ the other games in the series. The only game it beats by a ton is DMC2 (but that's not hard to do).

I agree, mobile games are the peak of gaming.

Definitely the most fun and coolest videogame to ever grace our existence. Everything works to perfection, its unbelievable, it hit the Jackpot.

Devils indeed cried when I destroyed them by only pressing the square button.

Playing the game feels magical, even for someone who didn't grow up with the original, revisiting this world feels special. The way the game is presented is so charming, characters are all lovable, gameplay is super fun, the graphics are stunning, the world is so well crafted and the story is very heartfelt and emotional even though there isn't much happening plot-wise.
I say this because the plot of the story is almost non-existent due to being only a chopped off part of the original game's story. But even without a coherent reason for things, every beat in this story feels important and well deserved because of how the characters shine in every single second of the game.
I also have to applaud the minigames, they absolutely didn't need to go all out with them, but they did and they are all amazingly fun and its always a very pleasant surprisie when you stumble into a new minigame in the game (except for the cactuar one, fuck you cactuars).
The music is also beautiful and like the minigames they didn't skim any corners, there's a new song for almost everything you do, so thank you very much Square, I love it.
Unfortunately, I did not enjoy the final part of the game. Reasons being, the final dungeon is absurdly long with very boring gameplay, and the story becomes ridiculously convoluted for no reason, which wouldn't nesesarly be a problem if the emotional throughline was solid, but its sadly not so. And in my opinion, and unlike the rest of the game, it does a disservice to the original story. It also fails to wrap up the storyline of this game, unlike the previous remake which suprisingly did very well. Here you are left with a sorry lads, gonna have to wait for the third game to have a satisfying ending.
So, sad it ended in a fuble for me, but it won't make me forget how amazing the rest of the game is.


This is what peak gaming looks like

Before didn't understand what all the fuss was about this game, just because the game is hard and forces you to engage with it, it doesn't mean it's good. It couldn't be that prasie wothry, right?
Well, now after completing it in its entirety I have been enlightened. This game and its unbelievably excellent gameplay loop is the absolute best of the modern videogame industry. Everything works to perfection, the combat, the world, the lore, the challenge, everything offers the highest quality experience a videogame can offer. (Maybe that's why the rest of Fromsoftware games are copies with little spicy elements to change things up a bit).