A puzzle-platformer that answers the question “What if Inside had bright colors and a little pet that follows you around?” It’s cute enough and quite pretty, but honestly I wasn’t super engaged for most of my playtime; the puzzles were mostly just a lot of pushing boxes and waiting for patrolling enemies to turn around and trying to remember which buttons I needed to hit to make my alien companion stand in the right spot, and and the pretty landscapes mostly kinda blended together. It did start to win me over eventually though, first with a really gorgeous scene of a night sky and sunrise, and then with some really cool aesthetic shifts and fun setpieces towards the end, and I was pleasantly surprised by the use of stillness in a climactic scene. There’s nothing nearly as wild or surprising as Inside’s ending, but I came away from the game liking it more than I was expecting.

Reviewed on Jun 06, 2023
