The game is great, from a story perspective. It's like a movie.
Although the game is great, there are many blaring issues, like a few obnoxiously boring fetch quests being forced down your throat in the main storyline, and pretty much all side quests of this game being pure slop and trash.
Through this - the combat and some of the most GENUINELY INSANE boss fights I've EVER seen in a game certainly saves this game from itself. (seriously, I went from one big story boss to the next thinking "wow that was incredible, there's no way they can top that, BUT THEY DID, EVERY TIME!)


For me, the only "souls-like" I've actually enjoyed. Except, no, it's even better then that. This is a souls game. It's so good you can directly hold it up with FromSoftware games.

You know how there's always that one section of a FromSoft game that you don't look forward to? For example: Blightown, Caelid, World 5 of DsS. - Well, throughout my first and replayed playthroughs, I couldn't find a single thing to complain about, this game was perfect down to every last detail.

The Combat: Is beyond incredible, the mix of sekiro-like deflecting and parrying, with a mainly dark souls-esque move-set, and bloodborne style health rally system - weapons that can be interchanged with each other to create either the worst thing you've ever seen or the most overpowered tiny butcher knife handle holding a gigantic puppet arm axe that blocks your screen its so big; Even some of the greatest weapons are boss soul weapons that are so unique and fun to use in their own right.

The world: Greatly familiar in the style of fromsoft, many shortcuts and ways you can loop around the map and return to bonfires, seeing beautiful places from far away thinking "wow, i was just there?", or "wow, i really want to go there" (and you do). The artstyle of everything is just phenomenal, you really gotta see it for yourself. - The bosses are so well designed, SUPER well choreographed movesets, great music, well designed arenas, all of it.

The story: It's strange how a souls-like has managed to adopt a very similar story telling style as fromsoft but in a way, gives you the story more straight up. I admit i've never really been the kind of person to go through a dark souls game and pick up random items and read all the description for lore. However: this game made me do just that, and even without doing that, the game itself gives you enough of it story to be intriguing right until the end where it leaves you continuously thinking about how great that story was.

10/10, was my personal game of the year for 2023.

As my first metal gear game like most, I give this a 10/10, with the game as short as 7 hours, it crams so much fun in to it that it seems like it has zero low points at all and just flawless highs. (I must say the shortness of this game adds to why it's so good, I think it truly needed that.)

Incredible music - Surprisingly fun combat - Great story with constant highs that has no boring points (yes, even the sewer level was good thanks to george)