51 reviews liked by luseal

J'ai pas joué plus de 30 minutes mais le jeu m'a donné aucune envie de continuer, toutes les interactions me paraissaient artificielles et pas intéressantes et servant juste à nous refourguer du travail, ça m'a soulée. Peut-être que le jeu est bien mais j'ai pas eu envie de tester.

concept intéressant, surtout quand on joue sur téléphone c'est super immersif donc beaucoup de potentiel, mais exécution nullos y a zéro mystère c'est trop rapide et c'est juste en mode bouh vidéos un peu creepy voilà décevant

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Note: review based on having only played the Blue Lions routes in Three Houses and this game.

An excellent companion for Three Houses, fleshing out it's lore and backstory and fixing some of my complaints from the original game (Dimitri and Claude not being allies being the biggest one).

For some reason decided to lock weapon selection to classes, which affects some combinations of special weapons and it's intended user (Marianne with her sword, Annette and her axe).

Having a voiced protagonist was always the way to go, more notable with Byleth being voiced and a little more fleshed out this time. Was fun seeing the what if scenario with her in this timeline.

The business with Arval left much to be desired, putting the big conflict at the end on pause for a couple of missions just to try to give it a unsatisfying conclusion. Dunno if it would have worked better if done as an epilogue, since it's already awkward to have all three lords at the end I don't think its position in the timeline would've mattered that much.

An amazing adaptation of the musou genre to the fire emblem franchise. Great story and gameplay, amazing music

Super interesting takes on the routes of Three Houses that don't end up going anywhere cause they don't want to imply that the lack of Byleth makes everything better. (It does)

this game asks the brave question: what if dimitri was normal

If crack was a video game

litterally fortnite but mostly close ranged = it just doesn't work

Cool concept , decent replayability but otherwise it lacks too much .