2004 Reviews liked by manhattanprince

GTA type game with an insane story, would recommend

gta but more fun and the story was cool

imo I think in terms of writing this one's the worst in the series, but it's not horrible, and the gameplay is really fun. so it's sort of my favorite.

The only game to ever truly portray the American dream. Not killing nazis or fighting for independence, but riding in a cadillac and saving dinosaurs with the bros. It's a pretty solid but standard beat 'em up with bosses that are surprisingly not obnoxious and the guns are fun to stomp fights with.

Fast, fierce, tactile Punch-Out-style action that’s one of the best looking gba games.

Como um grande apreciador do mangá, devo dizer que esse jogo é o Suco do hype e te põe realmente na pele do personagem (literalmente)

Da pra sentir os socos, os golpes especiais, a adrenalina, a vontade de ganhar, e quando você põe seu inimigo no chão e fica pensando "não levanta por favor"

Namoral que jogão, ótimo pra passar uma tarde

This might be a secret sleeper best sports game of all time territory kind of thing. Gripping the controller as you analog-whip the camera around with abandon is a joyous thing.

A fun side scrolling beat-em-up with some interesting balance decisions that don't so much make the game "hard" as they do "unfun unless you grind."

I remember the original was pretty good when it first came out, and this is pretty much a straight port, so I'm going at this as a "revisit" perspective.

Anamanaguchi's soundtrack is still fantastic and the best part of this game.

This game plays like a standard beat em up with RPG elements. The revival of this was a bit novel at the time (though I'd argue that River City Ransom EX did it better), and gave it plenty of points then, but having played later beat em ups with similar mechanics and concepts, it just feels aged and dated.

Speaking of dated, gosh, the whole "you're a gamer and being a gamer is cool and look at all our gamer references!" schtick gets old. I get some more of them now (it's cool seeing that one boss do the Kaneda/K9999 arm thing) but god it makes me think I'm playing a pre-owned Gamestop game box.

And this game is glitchy and crashy. I remember the original was too, and Ubisoft basically did not even try to update any of that. I've lost progress due to random crashes which sucks. A genuine mark against the game. It makes it a below average title when the gameplay is just average.

Overall, if you like Scott Pilgrim, the original release, and beat em ups, it might be worth it on a sale/some free release, but it's really nothing special and there are PLENTY of other beat em ups now that are better worth your time.

it's funny how 19282921823 video games exist with ninjas in them but only about 10 invite you to behave like a ninja.
this sequel has all the problems of its predecessor and some fucking way it works.
Probably because it lets you breathe and think a lot more, but I'm not going to ask, I'll just buy it.
The ending makes me cry and give up on friendship.

Really fun to play with mates after I got home from school but these days it has far less complexity than your standard Civ title and there's not any reason to go and boot your 7th gen consoles up to play it again. Functionally not horrible however, I think it was a good substitute for console players and it's given me a lot of fun and good memories, undoubtedly.

Fun until you pull up to an enemy city and there's secretly 700 units on their city tile

The biggest flaw of this game is not having Mickey Mouse as a playable character

if i had a nickel for everytime a console exclusive simcade racing game dropped a fourth installment on their second generation of system and it would be the peak of the franchise id have two nickels which isnt a lot but its weird it happened twice