5 reviews liked by marre

This game will get 5 stars from me when they add NPCs and something to work towards.

girlfriend and I bought this in the sales, decided to try it out

1 hour in, we finally met up with each other after numerous deaths

2 hours in, we got a safe farmhouse with some basic starting supplies and were ready to explore and see what was about

4 hours in she got infected and I had to shoot her out back of the barn :'(

7 hours in, we have a ton of loot, some crops growing, a good amount of time since we last had any accidents

9 hours in, after finding some actual wood axes and really good backpacks, we get run down by a horde and lose everything. it's late at this point, we're tired and kinda wanna go to bed, it went from being really fun to REALLY stressful

11 hours in, we finally get our loot back and make it home safe. we can now sleep easy knowing victory was hours (after dozens of attempts and fighting zombie versions of ourselves in the process)

10/10 would play and stress dream that night again

The pinnacle sandbox zombie survival game. Very fun and easy to replay. The top down camera and visual style is charming and easy to get into.

There are many options you can change when starting a game which alleviates alot of the default difficulty's balancing problems.

Mods are great and add alot of content and quality of life fixes.

At least for me the best way to play is with friends and it's hilarious and fun, there are many options to create a world to your liking and difficulty.
The game has lots of little details which makes the game more realistic but sometimes tiresome when you have to take all your clothes off because the character sweats too much.
The problem i face everytime is when you get enough weapons, food and shelter there is basically not much to do, and usually the only thing left is die fighting the most amount of zombies possible.
And the amount of guns and objects in general its not very wide, and of course im talking without mods but the fact that the mods are actually are supported is great.

I moved items from one base to another for 8 hours straight