I liked the art style and the music in this game, but everything else was basically mediocre or bad.
The story suffer from bad pacing, a lot of filler content that doesnt feel rewarding, a lot of stereotypical characters, interesting themes that are wasted potential due to how awfully they are explored and solved, it doesnt feel rewarding for the antagonists to get a character rewrite compared to a redemption arc and actual development. The females are sexualized as well just for pure fanservice which i dislike in general. Basically the story is a boring slog that is uninteresting and full of wasted potential and anime cliche, dating sims and cringe dialogue that offers no choice or consequence. Its a linear story.
The gameplay is also boring and shallow, compared to games with actual depth in their turn based combat like Divinity Original Sin 2 and XCOM2, games with actual tactics, strategy and depth, this game combat is very easy and lacks tactical thinking or depth, its very basic and outdated, like jrpgs from the late 90's. The dungeons themselves get repetitive after few encounter because the same enemies keep respawning and then you have to fight them with that shallow boring combat system. How can they get a pass for this bad storytelling and shallow gameplay while others get blasted for it is beyond me. But i guess it has its loyal weeb fanbase so thats that.

This game was very boring and i struggled to finish it and while it got a little bit better in the later half, its still a game that i would never touch again. All those 10's. Holy shit... this website is Myanimelist for games.

Good writing for the most part but its full of stereotypical views and characters and the politics are shallow as well. The main plot is not very explored as most of the time you talk and learn about the world building. The music is okay but it lacks variety and the art is nice.
Aside from the good writing overall (which still suffers from issues and pacing problems as well)
The game lacks any interactive choice with the player, you basically just talk in the game, as a Detective RPG (they marketed it that way) you dont get to interact, solve problems and deduce things on your own, puzzles or whatnot, so you are left with a game that all you do is click dialogue and most of that dialogue doesnt change much based on your choices, you get about the same result most of the time.

Its a boring game if you only want to explore the themes and the plot themselves, but if you are interested in the worldbuilding itself its more rewarding. For me i was bored a lot because the game keeps wasting time on things i dont really care about, the main character is someone i didnt and i wasnt a fan of the way they force his personality on me.

I would say the game itself is good though, but its overrated as fuck because it appeals to the left leaning pseudo intellectuals who want to sound smart by liking this game and claiming it has the best writing. Not as bad as weebs though but still annoying to discuss with.

Terrible game, the gameplay is shallow and gets boring fast and the story is so awful its cringe its offensive and its full of stereotypes. This is a C tier hollywood action blockbuster flick disguised as a game.

One of the most overrated games of all time. The gameplay is shallow and cookie cutter throughout the game, the mission design is very linear and outdated; you basically go in line from point A to point B, move the dots to the enemy head and then back to proceed the movie, anything that you do outside of the line you get a game over screen, extremely linear and doesnt utilize its open world well.
The gunplay is dull and basic, the enemies are all the same, every weapon plays out the same way, the game is very slow and full of side chores that add nothing but bore to the game, the controls are clunky as hell.
The story starts well in the first 4 chapters but then the pacing goes all over the place and falls apart by the end. The story is very simple and has no layers of complexity either, the characters are mostly bland except the main ones.
The only thing that stand out is the graphics, the game looks great, other than that the mission design and gameplay are outdated, but somehow Rockstar gets a pass for this, and i have no idea why they get a pass.

Missions are basically go from point A to point B, a shooting starts out, you as Arthur + one guy with you get to elimante a group of trained bounty hunter (but muh realism man..) then you go back and proceed the movie. You cant do anything outside of that in your missions, no replay value, no other paths, no different choices, no different game style, nothing!! basically the same, its a movie game in a sandbox but the sandbox is shallow and full of boring chores nobody cares about. Seriously i got to clean the stable of horseshit..Wow revolutionary gameplay right there. 10/10 everybody, best game ever. Lmao what a joke.