now this is what its all about

I have been enjoying it so far. Still in early access as of this review. The customization options are extremely expansive which is great. The gameplay loop is not addictive/fun enough to have me coming back often but I still boot it up at least once a week or so.

I feel maybe people are too harsh on the game due to its short length, which made me bump my rating up. It is short but it is really rather good at what it aims to do.

as a casual player im not really having that much fun with dragonflight aside from a cool few things (and I do like the dragonriding, mixed on the talent trees), I mostly get fun from running old content or leveling characters with friends. maybe im just weird, but the catch-up systems and experience for a returning player is completely baffling and confusing. hoping that being there fresh for an expansion is a better experience as I got dragonflight with my preorder for war within

story is completely uninteresting as many have said, again hoping the coming expansions will be able to tell a more satisfying story, seems like that is a primary goal for the developers going forward

i dont know man. Who is this even for. twitch streamers i guess

time waster (derogatory) same as the inspo [fall guys]

i mean who else was doing it like this in 2008? Also the best rainbow road of all time

I loved this as a kid but now Im quickly remembering all my fondest memories with it are specifically in the endgame and its absolute melatonin with a side of teen drama for 20+ hours until then . wouldnt recommend to anyone with a job

not something i see myself coming back to, but manages to be addicting for a short period and have a cute enough art style and sound design with engaging enough gameplay. perfectly serviceable and worth the cheap price, of course, you're essentially paying $4 for a few hours of fun which i think is a great deal. if you don't want to spend any money though, just try the demo, there's fun to be found there aswell.

Tried to get into it but really never could. Combat is not that enjoyable. Movement feels real awkward and it's noticeable the whole time I'm playing. Maybe just not for me.

Lovely... Delightful all the way through. I have no real complaints. Any glitches I experienced were minor graphical issues. I think it is truly made with heart and it shows.

you would think this game would be soothing for OCD, well for me it was hell on earth, I like the art and music though and i get its just not for me .

Tl;Dr: I do not recommend replaying this if it was 5 stars for you in your childhood. 3/5 for that. but it's epic if it's one of your first mario games. 5/5 in that case. recommended then.

By no means it is a bad game, and I enjoyed most of my time replaying it, but small little details add up to create a frustrating experience, particularly at the end. The way the game locks and limits the camera for sometimes seemingly no reason, depth perception (or lack there of), the way Mario has to sometimes turn around in a complete circle to turn around instead of just turning around, how freaking slow Bee Mario flies - all of these things seem like nitpicks but do get genuinely maddening during some of the game's hardest levels.

While I love Rosalina and her storybook, it's one of the only standout moments of the game in terms of charm and soul. Most of the game feels just too restricted to feel truly 'heartfelt' outside of that moment, but it is definitely more a fun themepark vibe in thatcase. The graphics still look good today, and I found myself loving many of the backdrops and stopping to note the details. But you rarely get to interact with these cool environments for very long - overall I feel that some of my experience was so lackluster because of the inevitable comparison to Odyssey. Odyssey almost seems to have made this game obsolete in a way, because it adds in everything that I feel is missing in Mario Galaxy.

I got all 120 stars but unlike my first time playing as a child, I do not feel excited or enthralled enough to go through all of that again as Luigi. Mario Galaxy is amazing, but it's been outdone by Nintendo by the sequels time and time again. I still encourage those who haven't experienced it to give it a go and I bet you will have fun, but I do not recommend revisiting it if you have already played through it completely.