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emmabori finished Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
its good but its kind of disappointing.

a lot of areas are just super empty and big and just a chore to explore with nothing rewarding to find, the only overworld bosses i saw were dragons reused from the base game, bears that were just boring to fight, and the furnace golems which are the most tedious way to get important items fromsoft has ever thought up.

the actual main bosses have cool designs, cool music, cool movesets, but theyre extremely not fun to actually fight. im not necessarily talking about them being too hard; i think the final boss is easily the hardest one in the game and i beat him in under 30 minutes. theyre all extremely aggressive with you needing to dodge or block for multiple full combo strings before you get the opportunity to get ONE hit in which deals maybe 1% of their health bar before you need to repeat the process.

then theres two bosses in particular, who im not gonna name for spoiler reasons, who just feel incomplete, like i beat them and instead of feeling happy i got through them my reaction was just "THAT WAS IT?!".

i was hoping for a more dense version of elden ring with this dlc, but instead what i got is just exactly what the last stretch of the base game was but worse in every way.

also enir-ilim is literally the most frustrating legacy dungeon in the game by far, it is incredibly annoying to traverse.

1 hr ago

7 days ago

cleobirdwell earned the Replay '14 badge

8 days ago

cleobirdwell reviewed Pokéwalker
I would shake this under my desk in school during lectures. My chemistry teacher got me suspended because she thought I was masturbating. But really I was just gaming bro.

10 days ago

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11 days ago

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