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I believe that the game could be good for a younger demographic, but it is very repetitive. One of the core mechanics of the game is you swinging the Wii remote to pick something up or interact with something, yet when you do do this manoeuvre it has to be at a very specific angle that you will have your arm aching by the time you get it right. The game also feels like a big walking sim but with minigames sprinkled inbetween walking through empty lanes to get to the next section, and the small minigame-like things aren't even that creative like a game where you shake a skunk off your ass and throwing Elliot at a very specific angle once again to hit a tree. So a big takeaway from this game is the sloppy controls which fail all the time, that would've been a huge thing they could've improved on but sadly did not. The lack of music got funny at times but it would've been nice not to just have nature sounds all the time, which you could say is more realistic but it's just kind of lazy in my opinion.