When one thinks of the 'Devil May Cry' series, particularly the critically acclaimed, very influential cult classic that is the first in series, two things typically come to mind: the setting, and the gameplay.

Devil May Cry 2 innovates upon this concept by changing and confusing the setting and removing all semblance of gameplay. It takes the "so bad it's good" plot of DMC1 and freshens it up to just be "so bad" - as this was the preference of consumers when this game came out. It solves the issue of confusing character angles, by simply making the game so easy that you don't even have to see enemies to beat the levels at all - simply press square repeatedly.

This is nothing less than a brave masterpiece.

"Devil May Cry 2 was originally set in New York City and starred a man in a green jacket" - Dante Alighieri

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2022
